This Blend is Udder Perfection.

About MagnaMaxx

MagnaMaxx is a Calcium Salt of Long-Chain Fatty Acids with increased Palmitic and Oleic Acids. This fatty acid composition takes advantage of higher C16:0 Palmitic Acid, which has been shown to increase Milk Fat. The increased C18:1 Oleic Acid has been shown in university studies to increase fatty acid digestibility. This premium energy supplement is perfect for dairymen who are trying to balance milk production, composition, and increase fatty acid digestibility.

Product TypeBypass Fat
Product Benefits
Calcium8% min
Crude Fat82.5% min
Moisture5.5% max
Net Energy of Lactation2.96 Mcal/lb
Oleic Acid C18:127%
Palmitic Acid C16:057%
Stearic Acid C18:03%
Unasponifiable Matter1%

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